The Windmills of Your Mind

The Windmills of Your Mind

The lyrics of this wonderful song remind me of days long gone. I will grant poetic license to the reference of the earth spinning like an apple in space. Apart from that inaccuracy it does refer to many possibilities regarding the shape and motion, or lack of it, of the earth.

I must reference the inspiration for this article.

This series of YouTube clips: “Flat Earth Smarts”, is very well done. There are about a dozen, but number 12 nailed it for me. Ajay deserves credit for being so thought provoking and being so patient with the vitriolic trolls that dominate the comments section.

In developing his model, the idea of starting with a blank canvass, of earth as a globe or circle, without land masses or oceans, was appealing. A blue blank sheet. Drawing lines of longitude and circles of latitude seems a necessity but I would like to start again; with a white blank sheet of paper. How could that be a model of the earth?

Once upon a time, there was this Eskimo out on the ice, fishing with a spear through a hole in the ice. Suddenly, there was this great roar and out of nowhere, this flying device landed and a creature got out and advanced towards him.

He was a fair bit taller than your average Eskimo. He definitely was human like. His skull was large and his eyes were a bit sunken but apart from that; he spoke the language and seemed friendly enough.

Where did you come from and what’s that thing you are flying? I come from another land called Nibiru. That thing is a MOT; means Mode of Transport. I could have come here in any one of a number but that was the one available. Did you run out of fuel? Oh no. Fuel is unlimited. We get it from the universal realm using transformer/capacitor technology. I had a slight technical issue, so needed to touch down and resolve it.

Nibiru? Our elders talk of that. They say it could have been a planet and that the Annuniki Aliens lived there. They also reckon that the Annuniki came here half a million years ago and interfered genetically with the Hominids and made slaves of Humans to mine gold…… You got that half right.

Nibiru is not a planet. It’s just one of many lands over the infinite ice plane. We have our own sun and stars. We play around with the sun with SST; Sun Simulator Technology. The sun can be any shape and it isn’t limited to a circular orbit.

What about you creating us? I’m afraid that bit is true. We needed a slave to mine the gold. We wouldn’t need to do that now because our technology has progressed……Why did you want gold? Well, that’s a bit embarrassing. We told you that we needed the gold to fix our atmosphere. You believed us because you were gullible. In fact, we came to steal the gold.

Why did you leave? Well, we didn’t altogether leave. We interbred with you humans creating a royal bloodline of Elites. We charged the Elites with managing the place. We told them under no circumstances to allow the slave class to discover the true nature of where they lived. We didn’t want our land over run by cretins…. Sounds as if you didn’t like us!

In a word that is correct. We made a huge mistake giving you enough brain power to think for yourselves. We tried on a couple of occasions to wipe you out but you proved quite resilient and bred like rabbits. You inherited our warlike traits and stealing habits.

Well, you left us in an awful mess being managed by those psychopathic elites. Eventually, we had a revolution and got rid of them. We realised that we had been lied to on a monumental scale. We started to think about less materialistic things like, where do we live. Our cosmology had certainly been screwed up.

Answers to these questions were being sorted out when an awful thing happened. Our sun shut down; went to sleep. There was still enough light for night and day but other things that rely on the sun just vanished. So you see, this is what life has become. Eking out an existence through a hole in the ice; living underground in a cave. Ice as far as the eye can see or the mind imagine. I can well believe the ice is an infinite plane. No matter where you go, it’s cold, very cold or extremely cold. There is no end to the ice and snow.

My blank canvass! Where is the edge when there are no oceans or land masses; the mountains reduced to mere humps under the ice. Clearly, which way the stars rotate doesn’t seem to be important; I don’t think they have any bearing on the shape or motion of the earth below. If only the sun would warm up….. I feel a bit guilty because I think what we have been doing, messing around with our sum, may have had an influence on yours.

Our Eskimo friend will tell us: It wasn’t always like this. There used to be billions of us. There were huge oceans with continents of land dotted amongst them. There was agriculture to feed the billions. We had really good technology. Maybe not as advanced as yours but we felt pretty smart.

What happened to your technology?… Before the sun shut down, it gave out a last gasp. This thing, called an EMP; Electromagnetic Pulse, virtually fried all electrical circuitry. The electricity grid was rendered useless along with anything with electronic components. I don’t need to tell a technologically advanced person like yourself how devastating that was…. We knew of that possibility, so protected our systems… I suppose we could have to, but were too busy spending our money on military equipment and other smart ideas. Do you know that one space exploration organisation, NASA, spent $3 trillion over 60 years convincing the public about the galaxy and the universe? They had all this fake imagery of the earth in space as a spinning globe… yes, I feel a little responsible for that lie; all part of the deception.

The remnants of our technology are in museums underground, but what use is it? Doesn’t help to catch a polar bear or seal. The polar bears weren’t meant to survive Global Warming; another scam to deceive the public. Look at them now, they are everywhere. They make good eating and their fur is useful but they are hard to catch with a spear. Don’t hunt one alone otherwise you might be the one eaten.

What do you think happened to your sun? Nothing that hasn’t happened before. We just didn’t take notice of the warning signs. We spent two decades trying to convince the population that man was causing global warming through burning fossil fuels and increasing the carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere. We woke up to late to this scam. Global cooling started because of increased cosmic rays but we would not recognise the science of paleoclimatology. Seismic and volcanic activity increased but the media weren’t interested. Increased cloud nucleation and volcanic emissions both contributed to the albedo effect and combined with decreased sun spot activity the effect was plain to see.

You seem fairly smart….. I used to be a scientist but science got hijacked by the likes of NASA. They turned it into a religion. So now I only believe in primary knowledge; that is, what I can observe with my own senses. Everything else is secondary knowledge and as such, is another’s opinion or conjecture.

One day the sun will become active again, as it has in the past. We will emerge from this dreaded ice age. The sun will start to carve out the shape of the earth by melting some ice. It will start to happen where the sun spends most of its time. I seem to remember we called that the equatorial region. It will be small at first so there will be no argument about its shape or extent; and it will be flat.

As the land masses remerge we will draw them on a map which will truly represent their shape, size and position. There will be no lines of latitude and longitude and fake distances from a Google Earth based imagination.

As it gets warmer and bigger, we will just accept its extent without worrying about an edge. The 500 years of a spherical earth will be relegated to a wasted time in history. Eventually we may be able to come and visit you in your pond…. You would be welcome as we have progressed to a non-warlike sharing culture.

Imagine the map without the lines of latitude and longitude derived from a fake globe. Just straight lines at right angles forming a grid of squares of whatever dimension suits. No lines emanating from the north. Just throw the square grid over the lot. The land masses and oceans positions derived from true point to point distances. No fake satellite or GPS lies. The East West circles getting larger the further south you go. The sun and the stars could still be circles. The seasons still explained by the spiralling movement from Cancer to Capricorn. The equator unnecessary; forget two equal halves. The circles getting larger and closer together the further South you go. Of course, it gets colder the further south you go. Even though the sun traces the same circular path in the northern and southern sky its energy in the south is spread over a progressively larger area. The land masses and oceans will be vastly different to what we have been indoctrinated with in the globe model. The outer ice ring does not have to be circular. It could be jagged due to ocean and land influences.

So, there you have it. Get rid of the psychopathic Elites denying us access to the other lands and we have a way out of this place not off this planet.

See you on the other side.